Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Buy Some Land In The Woods And A Brand New Car

I didn't make the cut for this year's MacArthur Grant. That gives me 7 months to lay the groundwork for next year. I'm sure it takes them a few months to actually make the selections. I should look up and see if there is an awards dinner or lunch, and what city they hold it in. I hope I get to make an acceptance speech. Maybe I'll dress up like I'm attending a "tribal council" on "Survivor" and carry a tikki torch. The other "Genius's" will get a big kick out of that. Or maybe I'll have a set of quotation marks on a wire headband that can sit astride my cranium. It'll be an ironic anti-answer to Steve Martin's iconic arrow. A wild and crazy "Genius." I'm also considering showing up wearing a $500,000 nicklace from Harry Winston.
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