Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Bodies at Rest

There was a guy on the train with an iPhone- I remember when I used to feel cutting edge with my iPod and Blackberry. Now, I may as well be walking around with a typewriter and a carrier pigeon.
There was a woman on the train who was wearing a pair of plaid bicycle knickers, a navy blue jersey knit polo shirt, and she was carrying this Patagonia Half-Mass messenger bag that I also have. Whoever designed the bag has obviously never actually ridden a bicycle while trying to wear it. The shoulder strap is too long and you'd have to be a giant( this boring prose really sounds like a blog) to have it not keep slipping around in front of you while you're riding. I had Agnes at work sew it shorter, but this woman just wore it slung low on her hip. She looked sweet and fit in her get-up, and I noticed myself thinking, "I wish I could wear that biking!" Then I wondered why I often self-identify with women. Guess that beats identifying with some rock star or a wolf or Rush Limbaugh. Still, even she couldn't wear that bag on her bike and not get annoyed.
There was an old couple walking through the park this morning. In their 70's Addidas track suits and hoodies(with the hoods up), from far away I couldn't tell if they were old folks or Japanese hipsters. The woman saw a little squirrel across the way and walked over and tossed him a piece of her bagel. It was a nice thing to see when you're late for work and the morning doesn't seem to be headed anywhere good. Sometimes I picture the world as this giant tub with a whirlpool of flame sucking all the pretty stuff down into the drain and the only thing that keeps them afloat is my paying attention. So, between the gender confusion and the delusions of grandeur, I'm all set.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

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