Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Ideal and the Real

I was in the newspaper/magazine place in the train station; looking for something to read on the ride. I ended up empty handed and feeling the way I usually do when I look for a magazine; dissappointed and wondering why with all the hundreds of different magazines there wasn't one that seemed worth getting. There's the New Yorker, but it only comes out once a week, and not every issue is a cover to cover "must read." I like music, but almost all music magazine are drivel- how many times can a person read the same "Jack and Meg are not brother and sister, but ex husand and wife" tidbit. I like fashion and pretty clothes, but fashion magazines don't really write about clothes and what people wear, they're just slick commercials selling me transience and the feeling that I don't make nearly enough money. The home design magazines are just as bad with their endless parade of high-end couples living lives that seem as far away from mine they may as well be living on Mars.

My head hurts and I'll have to finish this post later.

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